What we do
Freelancers Unlimited Inc. connects you with the creative or marketing talent you need. Fast. For short or long term assignments, either on-site or working from home, we’ll match the ideal freelancer to your company. We’ve been providing freelance or temporary staff to top ad agencies, corporations, design studios and small businesses across the Greater Toronto Area for over 30 years. If you need a creative or marketing professional, we can help! Here’s how:
Our Talent
We represent pretty well every type of creative, production and marketing professional out there. Our talent is carefully screened and hand selected for each client and project. Check out the list…
If you don’t see what you need listed here, just ask!
Who uses us
Our clients include advertising agencies, design studios, large and small corporations, boutique agencies, small businesses, marketing firms, start-ups, and in-house design or marketing departments, etc. We work with any company big or small that can benefit from additional creative or marketing resources from time to time.
A selection of our clients
Why you should use us too
We do things on a personal level. There is so much more to finding that perfect talent/client fit than just matching search terms and phrases. Our entire business is based on people, and the personal relationships we’ve developed with our clients and freelancers have been the key to our success.
We talk the talk. With years of experience within the creative and marketing fields, you know when you call us you will be speaking to folks who actually understand your needs. Don’t call an agency with inexperienced account people who will send you a financial writer when you asked for a copywriter.
Sure, we’re not the biggest placement agency in town, but that’s a good thing. We’re flexible, friendly and engaging. We’re nicer. We treat you with the respect you deserve. We work as a team. We’re 100% Canadian owned and operated. We connect you to great people and offer the best rates, just like we’ve done for 30 years now.
Ready to get started? Call 416-969-9088 now!
Our Process
What goes into making the perfect match?
Are you looking for creative talent?
Look no further.
Vacation, mat leave or special project coming up? Or maybe you’re just really busy and need an extra set of hands. We recognize your most important need is to get the right person for the job: someone with the skills you requested, who knows your industry, and can hit the ground running. And we know you want that person fast.
It costs you nothing to give us a try. Our fee is built into any rate we quote you, so you only pay if we fill your position. Give us a call at 416-969- 088 or click below, we’re glad to help.
cover vacations & Leaves
Increase productivity
offer Additional services
Quick Turnaround?
When there just isn’t time to find a freelancer, we have our own in-house design studio that offers design, typesetting, website edits, high-end Photoshop retouching, Prezi or PowerPoint presentations, custom illustrations and more. We’ve handled simple jobs like type changes to an existing postcard, to the design of MailChimp email blasts, and even the rollout of a new brand across hundreds of pieces of corporate collateral. So, if you find you need some extra hands in a super rush, just send the work our way and we’ll take care of it!
Below are just a few of the brands and clients we’ve helped in our studio:
Are you a Creative Professional open to New Opportunities?
We’re always on the lookout for talented new Designers, Copywriters, Editors, Web Developers, Production Artists, Marketing Managers and Studio Coordinators, etc. It costs nothing and you could end up working on some great projects.
Want to Join? If you’re interested in being added to our roster of creative talent, it’s simple! Just click on the link below, but first, here are a few things you should know about us:
It’s free.
We will never charge you or request money from you for any of our services. All of our fees are built-in – the rate we tell you is the rate that you’ll be paid.
No pressure…
While our job is to present any jobs we feel will be a good fit, you’re never under any obligation to say yes to anything. We’ll never penalize you for saying no, we’d much rather you say no upfront than change your mind later. It’s always your choice.
...but no promises.
Being on our roster does not guarantee we’ll find you work. Every job is different and we have no idea when or even if, something suitable will come up. But one thing is for sure, we can’t consider you at all if you’re not on our roster.
We’ll treat you like a person, not a number.
We are non-exclusive, so of course you’re free to work with your own clients and/or other agencies.
Fair rates.
You can expect competitive market rates from us, and most often better than you’ll get from other agencies.
How to reach us
Give us a call at 416-969-9088, or fill out the form below.
- mailing address:
Freelancers Unlimited Inc.
3010 Bloor St. West
PO Box #15585
Toronto, Ontario M8X 1C0
- tel: 416.969.9088
- info@freelancersunlimited.com
- Connect with us on Linkedin
- Follow us on Twitter
- Visit us on Facebook